Please give us your email address:
Please Update Your Membership Information
Please tell us your favorite part of being a BCMC Member
Please tell us events you would like to have added to the BCMC Calander
Click SUBMIT to send your info to BCMC,
You will next be taken to a secure payment option page.
(you can also print & mail the completed form above if you want to pay by check*)
You will get to choose from several renewal options
Payment may be made by PayPal, Visa/MC/AMEX or eCheck
Our secure payments are handled by PayPal -
The world's largest and safest online payment system
You do NOT have to be a member of PayPal to pay by credit card.
QUESTIONS: Click HERE to email us!
*Mailing Address:
BCMC Renewals
P.O. Box 91404 Long Beach, CA 90815
Member Information is not shared with any outside companies and is kept in strictest confidence.
This page was last updated: July 12, 2015
Visits since November 19, 2005